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Grants Portal
A still from a dance project sponsored by Cabrillo Festival of Contemporary Music. Photo: Crystal Birns
Two women performing

Support Grants

General operating support for Santa Cruz County nonprofit or fiscally-sponsored arts organizations of all budget sizes. Applications accepted once per year for grants up to $7,000.

Apply online in the grants portal September 18-October 23 at 5pm.

Sign up for our Grants newsletter at the bottom of this page to get notified about all of our grant offerings.


Please read the guidelines before beginning your application. Guidelines include important information about eligibility and review criteria. 

Orientation Video

Registration encouraged for our grant orientation, which will cover any changes since last cycle. In the meantime, watch this video from last year’s grants orientation. A new video will be posted here after the Zoom orientation.

Orientation Slides

Registration encouraged for our grant orientation, which will cover any changes since last cycle. In the meantime, watch this video from last year’s grants orientation. Updates slides will be posted here after the orientation.

Application Questions

The Support Grant application is an online application. An updated list of application questions will be posted here by September 17. In the meantime, download this Microsoft Word document to view the list of application questions from last year.

Key Dates

Registration encouraged. The orientation will begin with a presentation by Tamara Liu, Grants Program Manager, covering everything you need to know about Support grants. There will be time for questions after the presentation. Zoom information will be emailed ahead of the event to those who register. Spanish interpretation is available if requested at least two weeks ahead of the orientation.


Begin working on your application in the grants portal.

Grants Portal

No registration, but if you prefer Spanish please email several days ahead of time so we can plan to have a Spanish-speaking staff member present.

Click here to join the Zoom meeting 

Meeting ID: 81346267392 / Passcode: 10wJAcfv

Office hours are informal times when you can get grant application support from Grants Program Manager Tamara Liu. You can drop in during any of the scheduled times, and since there isn’t a presentation, you don’t have to be there at the beginning or stay til the end. If lots of folks show up at once, we’ll use a learning circle approach, with each person sharing questions or ideas. If you’re the only one, you will get direct one-on-one support! No questions or situations are too simple or too complicated. Hope to see you there!

Can’t attend at this time, or want to request an in-person meeting? Click here to book a time or email

Please plan to submit your application well before 5pm! Late applications due to technical difficulties or any other reason are not accepted. The grants portal is often slower to load as the deadline approaches.

Look for an email on this date, sent to the email you used to log into the grants portal. The email will be sent by, so please make sure to add this address to your safe sender list.

Grant payments will be sent once you’ve signed your grant agreement.

When all funded activities/expenses must take place

Support Grant FAQs

  • The review criteria has changed slightly since last year. Please attend the orientation and see the Review Criteria section of the guidelines for more information.

  • The application has been reorganized and some questions have been reworded.

  • The final report for 2024 grantees is still part of the application, but it has been shortened.

The video recording, slides, and transcript from the grant orientation will be posted on this webpage (above). If you’d like to meet with Grants Program Manager Tamara Liu, book an appointment or email

Book Appointment
Read More FAQs About Our Grants

General FAQs are available at the bottom of our Apply for a Grant webpage.

Contact Us With Questions
